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Doncaster Features: Historical Convictions for Drunkenness in Doncaster

As listed in E.W.Pettifer's The Court Resumes, here's a list of the convictions for drunkenness in the Borough of Doncaster for the early part of the 20th century:

1907 - 456
1908 - 497
1909 - 705
1910 - 1108
1911 - 926
1912 - 1303
1913 - 1154
1914 - 1320

Pettifer explains that at this point State control of licensing laws kicks in limiting hours, fixed prices and legislation against treating.

1915 - 854
1917 - 448
1919 - 84

The demobolisation after the war is the main reason for this low result, but it then continues...

1920 - 159
1921 - 346
1922 - 327
1923 - 463
1924 - 611
1925 - 508
1926 - 357
1927 - 548
1928 - 444
1929 - 496
1930 - 474
1931 - 344
1932 - 176

then the figures remain between 196 and 386 (no specifics)until:

1939 - 322
1940 - 245
1941 - 206
1942 - 167
1943 - 202
1944 - 155

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