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Doncaster Features: Doncaster Family Made Butt of Jokes

A family have been forced to move home because they are fed up of living in Butt Hole Road.

Paul and Lisa Allott, who lived in a £150,000 bungalow in Conisbrough, South Yorkshire, said they were sick of the constant taunts, sniggers and pranks caused by their unusual address.

The family grew tired of groups of youths posing for photos by the street sign by their front wall with their buttocks bared and taxis and delivery men failing to turn up.

So, after 15 months Mr Allott, 30, decided enough was enough and moved out of the house along with his wife and his two young children.

All the other street names around here are quite sensible

Paul Allott
Mr Allott said: "We'd heard every single gag there is and we'd had enough.

"We've had people flashing their bottoms for photographs by the drive, we've had people ringing us up with hilarious jokes about the street name and then we've had those who just don't believe us.

"All the other street names around here are quite sensible.

"I just can't see why they didn't call it Butt Hall Road, or something like that. I've no idea why it was named like this."

New owner Peter Sutton said he knows what to expect and is looking forward to moving in.

Doncaster Council said it had no record of why the street had been called Butt Hole Road.

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