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Doncaster Features: It's Adam and Shelley: The Interview!

The BBC's new cult sketch show IT'S ADAM AND SHELLEY starts on BBC3 on Monday 1st October 2007 at 9.30pm. WATCH A CLIP ON YOUTUBE. The surreal siblings are from Doncaster and we caught up with them both on the eve of their new series:

DONNY: So Shelley, who's this Adam character?

SHELLEY: This Adam Character is my Brother...or is he my Husband? cousin? ...friend? arghhhhhhhhhh

DONNY: Is he funny?

SHELLEY: Funny enough to have punctured a friends lung by making them laugh so much!

DONNY: Is the name of your new TV show as funny as Titty Bang Bang?

SHELLEY: No way.

DONNY: Who is your favourite Fimble?

SHELLEY: Roly Mo's but isn't he everybody's?

DONNY: Are you the funniest person ever from Doncaster?

SHELLEY: Steve Womack - he's up there.

DONNY: Are any of your voiceovers on at the moment? Can we hear you in anything?

SHELLEY: YOKO a ladybird in a cartoon Loiue on CITV.

DONNY: Whats the best thing about Doncaster?

SHELLEY: The market... from the cockles to Polish store...the fruit and veg...Rothwells for fish and chips...the sights the's vibrant and massive and well worth a visit!

DONNY: Tell us about one of your favourite characters from the new series?

SHELLEY: The Aussie Scientists Bret and Shano... playing a boy was fun and the sketches are slap stick so Adam and I just regressed back to being kids.

DONNY: Adam - you're a bit of an international playboy aren't you - dj, actor, stage star, comedian - are you really from Doncaster?

ADAM: Sure am, My mum is from Wheatley Hills, my dad from Regent Square. I only spent a few years there as a kid but 'Home' will always be Doncaster.

DONNY: Ever go back to Donny?

ADAM: Yes quite often. My family all live in the area and I need my Rothwell's fish and chips injection on a regular basis. I love going to the market for a plate of cockles smothered in salt and vinegar and a tray of fish and chips. I was just up last weekend visiting my dad who is recovering from an operation.

DONNY: Xfm listeners will recognise your DJ voice - what can we expect you to look like on screen?

ADAM: Put it this way, I have a great face for radio.

DONNY: Whats your new TV show all about?

ADAM: It's a sketch show with my sister Shelley. It's a bit weird, it's a bit daft.

DONNY: Where are you based now? Do funny southerners provide better inspiration for comedy than northerners?

ADAM: Our inspiration comes from all over. There's no north south divide in our comedy. Basically everyone is up for grabs, be it a couple of binge drinking Northern lasses, to a Columbian Bar owner who pimps his sister, to a Chinese Superhero locked in the 1970's.

DONNY: Do you have a favourite character from the new show?

ADAM: Carlos the pimp is up there as is Brucie Lee. But my favourite is Elise the beautician played by Shelley, she is so evil.

Many thanks to Adam and Shelley for this interview, and watch out for the show on BBC3 this Autumn.

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