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Webmasters: Drive Traffic

To ensure your new Doncaster-based web site or business lands with a bang, Donny Online suggests the following digital marketing ideas:


Driving Local Traffic

Use the following to maximise your PR:

1. Advertise your site to the Doncaster public with a free listing in the Doncaster Business Directory. Visit the Doncaster Business Directory to see other free entries and for further details on how you can submit your business or web site right now.

2. Advertise on Donny Online, or sponsor a section or page. Contact Us for further details.


Add The Doncaster Search to Your Site, Version 1

Give visitors to your web site a free Doncaster-centric search:

Just add this code to the relevant page on your web site:

Add The Doncaster Search to Your Site, Version 2

This version is same as above, but pops up results in a new window:

Just add this code to the relevant page on your web site:

Joint Content Support Initiatives

There are also opportunities for content  support initiatives, so if you can offer Donny Online something unique which would be of use to Doncastrians, then Contact Us for further details.


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